Mission College
Chemistry 1B
1. Syllabus
2. Student Lab Safety Procedure
3. General Solubilty Rule
4. Periodic Table & Important Constants
5. Laboratory Checkout Check List
6. Chemistry Lecture Videos
Lab Procedures & Worksheets
Please log on to Canvas to download Chem1B worksheets.
Please practice the following tests yourself without looking at the keys.
2011 2015 (Spring) 2015 (Fall) 2017 (Spring)
Midterm1 Midterm1 Midterm1 Midterm1 Midterm2 Midterm2 Midterm2 Midterm2
Midterm3 Midterm3 Midterm3 Midterm3 Final Final Final Final
Keys to the above practice tests. Please practice the test yourself before looking at the keys.
2011 2015 (Spring) 2015 (Fall) 2017 (Spring)
Midterm1 Midterm1 Midterm1 Midterm1
Midterm2 Midterm2 Midterm2 Midterm2
Midterm3 Midterm3 Midterm3 Midterm3
Final Final Final Final
1. LabQuiz1: 2009, 2011
2. LabQuiz2: 2009, 2011
(My class lecture is different than the powerpoint files.
You may try out by printing out one chapter if it is helping
you. Then decide if you want to print the other chapters. )
Molecular Geometry
Bonding Theory
Organic Chemistry
Chemical Kinetics
Chemical Equilibria
Acids & Bases
Aqueous Equlibria
Entropy & Free Energy
Main Group Elements
Transition Elements
Nuclear Chemistry